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Profile for joernchen :cute_dumpster_fire:. Username @joern, Role: admin


Your mom's favorite hacker!

My other account is @joernchen

Joined on Nov, 2022. 348 posts. Followed by 951. Following 232.

Recent posts

joernchen :cute_dumpster_fire: . @joern,

Considering giving a talk titled: „I made my hobby my profession so I needed a new hobby. Now I’m cuddling grown men in pyjamas trying to choke them out or break their limbs - for fun“

Open thread
joernchen :cute_dumpster_fire: . @joern,

Against earlier statements it looks like I'll be at the CCC Camp with my family. See you all there!

Open thread
joernchen :cute_dumpster_fire: . @joern,

Unpopular take: .zip domains were a marketing gag targeting security people.

Open thread